PHOTOGRAPHY of the Boudoir Session in its entirety - KKP Boudoir agrees to develop a timeline of the day with Client prior to seven (7) days of the session.
RETOUCHING of the images, affecting color, contrast, white balance, removal of blemishes, and creative editing of delivered images.
DELIVERY of images through an electronic medium with an online gallery. No prints are included for delivery, and files will be delivered in a link through a valid email address listed in this contract.
DELIVERY will be within thirty (30) days of the event.
PRICING for this Boudoir Session is valued between $1000- $5000. KKP Boudoir will be on-site for the entire event with one photographer; Kaitlin Keane.
DEPOSITS: To reserve the session, KKP Boudoir requires a $400 non-refundable deposit. The remaining balance will be due at the time of the shoot and no images will be delivered until the balance is completely paid.
• It is understood that KKP Boudoir is the exclusive official photographer retained to perform the photographic and/or video services requested on this Contract.
• Upon signature, KKP Boudoir shall reserve the time and date agreed upon, and will not make other reservations for that time and date. For this reason all retainers are non-refundable, even if the date of the session is changed or the session is cancelled for any reason.
• If KKP Boudoir cannot perform this Contract due to fire or other casualty, strike, act of God, or other cause beyond the control of the parties, or due to Photographer’s illness or emergency, then the Photographer shall return the deposit to the Client but shall have no further liability with respect to the Contract. This limitation on liability shall also apply in the event that photographic materials are damaged in processing, lost through camera or other media malfunction, lost in the mail, or otherwise lost or damaged without fault on the part of the Photographer. In the event KKP Boudoir fails to perform for any other reason, KKP Boudoir shall not be liable for any amount in excess of all monies paid.
• No part of any order, including previews, will be delivered until the balance is paid in full.
• Negatives, digital files and previews remain the exclusive property of KKP Boudoir.
• The charges in this Contract are based on the price agreed with KKP Boudoir verbally agreed before the production of this Contract. The pricing will be listed in this contract. This price list is adjusted periodically and future orders shall be charged at the prices in effect at the time when the order is placed.
• With Client’s permission, KKP Boudoir reserves the right to use photographs and/or reproductions for advertising, display, publication or other purposes.
• NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT: It is ILLEGAL to copy or reproduce these photographs or videos elsewhere without KKP Boudoir’s expressed and written permission, and violators of this Federal Law will be subject to its civil and criminal penalties.
• This Contract incorporates the entire understanding of the parties and is governed by the laws of Louisville, Jefferson County, Kentucky. Any modifcations of this Contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.