Apparently it is National Boyfriend Day.
*eye roll*

So we get asked this a lot - but yes, Jon & I are dating.
We have a home in Lyndon and are busy raising 2 kittens - been together almost 3 years.
We met on Bumble *shout out to Bumble - hey sponsor us* and honestly I've never met someone I just clicked with more than Jon within the first hour of talking on a silly app.

Jon had a background in design, photo and video, just like myself - so our interests just fit together so perfectly.
But when you creep his Instagram page: @jguzick you'll find this favorite type of photography does not include boobs and butts - but more nature and travel.

I'm so thankful that he and I have two different views to photography - I feel it makes us a well-rounded photography team.
He has a different focus during our boudoir sessions - he is more of a behind the scenes man - watching the overall view of the situation. From lighting to furniture - while I'm busy making sure your wedgie looks intentional.

KKP Boudoir couldn't function and run smoothly without Jon and the rest of our hype team.
We have a system, vibe and flow that works and we cannot wait to have your join us for a KKP Boudoir experience.
I'm lucky to have a boyfriend that has the patience to deal with my over-planning and over-thinking self.
While he may not put the dishes away and LITERALLY always leaves the shower curtain open - I'm glad we are able to ride this boudoir adventure together.